Podcast schedule
I am putting together my Podcast schedule for the next 6 – 12 months, and so far I will be doing:
Kray Z Comics and Stories every Monday where Krayz Joe Rider and I talk comics every week.
Novelcast every other Wednesday (quiet, I mean it this time) Where I turn the novels I have written into podcasts.
Series in review at least once a month and maybe more. This is where I, and sometimes someone else, give DVD commentary on comic series of the past.
Solo podcasts on an ad hoc basis
I am still working out when the podcasts I do with Dan Mohr and Adam Vermillion will be updated and moving. I didn’t plan on taking the summer off from the other stuff I do, but it just worked out that way when the Group Home job needed me every night.
Now, they don’t, so I can get back to the stuff I love. Hopefully, there will also be a revamp of my long neglected webpage to become a hub for all of the audio goodness and other things I do, rather than the leftovers from my website from the early 2000’s.
My other plans for the rest of the year are work, paying bills, watching TV, going to the art galleries in the Twin Cities, driving in the snow, and cursing at my alarm clock every morning at 6:20 am.