Agent of Change

A Blog by Cory!! Strode, who really should write something interesting here.

What I am thinking about today, 7/15/2022

I have read a few articles about how people are having an existential crisis over the first pics from the Webb Space Telescope as if shows the universe to be bigger and more filled with galaxies than most people thought. I almost feel back that I am not. One of the things that moved me toward atheism was realizing how big the universe is and how small we are. There is a vastness to things that is awe inspiring, but it also impressed upon me that we are a tiny part of that, so we have to take care of each other. There is a freedom to knows how small and insignificant we are in the scheme of things when you balance it with how important we can be to each other.

I have decided that the reviews of comics I do this month on Kray Z Comics and Stories will be Public Domain Comics you can download for FREE LEGALLY on There are so many great comics that have slipped into public domain, I want to highlight soe of the good ones. If you have suggestions, let me know!

I have officially cut back on the amount of time I am working at the group home. Over the last three years, I have been working as much as they ask, making sure to keep at least one day a week off, but the last few weeks, the office job has started getting harder due to a lack of staff, and last week I hit the wall. I had to ask Alexa what day it was, wasn’t getting enough time to decompress, and was looking forward to things like getting to the group hoem early and having 15 minutes to myself in my car. I know they need more hours from me, but both fo my jobs have been in “crisis mode” for two and a half years…and eventually, you have to just treat the crisis as if it’s the “new normal” and I can’t keep working for them as if it’s a short-term issue.

There was a discussion in a local Facebook group about a person “carrying” at a local fast food joint. I mentioned that if I see someone with a gun somewhere, I leave and tell the business why. Yes, it might just be some insecure loser who wants to show off his gun, but how do I know it’s not some “bad guy with a gun” looking to make himself famous by pulling off a mass shooting? Maybe it won’t change anything, but it’s my way of fighting against Gun Culture, which is literally killing us.

Every so often a big name band comes through the Minneapolis area I wouldn’t mind seeing. Then, I see ticket prices and the fact that you HAVE to buy the tickets through Ticketmaster or AXS…and they steer you toward the reseller tickets (because we allow them to “scalp” tickets) and I just decide not to do it. The last few shows I went to were in the Minneapolis VFW hall or First Ave. You pay $20 or so at the door and get a show. I like Bruce Springsteen, but I don’t like ANYONE enough to pay $300 for a seat in the nosebleed section. I’d rather see The Dollyrots, Jessica Hernandez, or The Beachers for $20 at a venue. NO rock concert is worth $300.

Be kind, be courageous, and be cool.


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