Trumpwatch 8/15/2017
Yesterday, the president went in front of cameras and, through gritted teeth and only after being told to by everyone from his daughter to the people he watches on Fox News, condemned the Nazis who held a rally to protest a statue of Robert E Lee being relocated. The media and his supporters will say that he has corrected a misstatement from the weekend where he said there was hate “on many sides” and (and this is the one that shows his true feelings) “We must cherish our history.”
Should I remind you that the Nazi were chanting about how their history won’t be erased? How the essence of the current white power movement is that diversity is erasing the great civilization created by white men? How Trump has retweeted members of the white power movement? Took over a week to condemn David Duke?
I am reading people who aren’t Trump fans who apologize for him by saying, “He’s doing it for votes and knows they are part of his base.”
Don’t. Be. Fooled.
As we keep hearing “Why won’t he condemn them?”, I keep asking a golf question.
How many mulligans do we give this guy? On the day of their rally, he didn’t condemn the Nazis and instead said he was against the hate “on many sides”, which white power websites said shows he’s with them. And. They. Are. Right. He condemns them days later, in prepared statements, like a 7 year old who has been told to apologize by his mother. In his twitter feed, which is the window into his soul, he has no problem attacking CEOs who condemn the Nazis, Rosie O’Donnell, and his own party, but not a peep about Nazis who march with torches chanting “Blood and soil.”
His dad was arrested in 1927 for taking part in a KKK riot in New York. He’s been investigated for racial discrimination in housing. He’s called for the execution of black teenagers, later proven innocent and refuses to take it back, still saying they should have been executed. Said in MULTIPLE interviews he doesn’t like having black people work for him. And on, and on, and on, and on.
Everyone who doesn’t see this, see that it is intentional, is getting played for chumps.
“We must cherish our history.”
Remember that. That’s who he is. That’s what he believes.