Y’all Need To Find Something To Do
As I am working a lot more than normal (how is that possible, you may ask, and all I have to say is, I always find a way), but personal internet time is severely limited. When I am not working, I usually only have about an hour or two, and to unwind, I have been watching old episodes of MST3K and laughing pretty damn hard.
I have put up a couple of things on Twitter, since I can just drop them and not think about it afterward or be compelled to dig into what others are saying. I listen to a little bit of news on the BBC on my way to work or home so I don’t feel totally isolated.
I checked on Facebook yesterday when I had a spare minute, and one of the posts I had had generated over 200 responses. I won’t get into them other than to say, y’all need to find better things to do that yell at each other and call each other names on social media. No one’s mind will be changed. No one will “win” an argument. No one is keeping score. You won’t “own” anyone and your clever cruel remarks will fall on deaf ears.
No one will listen to you.
Let me repeat that again for the people in the back: NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO YOU.
If you and your buddies are having fun poking the people on the other side, you are the problem. Period. Full stop.
I hear constantly “Why won’t liberals/conservatives listen to me!” Maybe because you call them libtards, hillbillies, snowflakes, dotards, and on and on and on. I’d also like to let you know that when you start talking like that, you really aren’t saying anything anyone will listen to because you are just parroting what you heard. Recently, someone sent me a nastygram calling me a “Beta cuck libtard snowflake SJW”. Rather than hurting me, it made me think that the person hadn’t had an original thought in their life and we just vomiting up what they read somewhere and thought “heh, I’ll show those people who make me feel bad!”
My mind has been changed by my experiences and by learning, never by someone shouting at me and calling me names. All that gets you is blocked.
I say it all the time: If you hurt me, even a little bit, you can fuck the fuck off.
And if I can pull that trigger on someone I have known for almost 20 years or in-laws, I have no problem doing it to random internet hatetroll.
In a perfect world, I’d ask you to quit talking and posting and listen. Listen to what people you disagree with say. Ask them how they came to where they are in life. Try to understand the fear that drives them to hate.
But, instead, I’ll just say that y’all need to find better things to do, so here’s a list:
- Take a hike on the nature trails in your area.
- Visit an art gallery or a museum and think about what was going through the mind of the artist as they created.
- Read a book just for fun, some genre you enjoy like a mystery or action novel. Then find one in a used book store from 40 year ago in the same genre to see how writing has changed.
- Try to find the best pizza in your city.
- Listen to my podcasts, ya bastards.
- Watch a foreign film. Yes, Godzilla counts.
- Get involved in a toy drive or something for Christmas and see how you can do little things that really help people who need it.
- I have four podcasts going, listen to them and then buy from our sponsors.
- Make a list of how your life has improved in the last year, and if the list is too short, get to work fixing things.
Then again, you aren’t going to listen to me either. Everyone is just talking at us, not to us, and we may expect everyone to hear us, we don’t want to listen to what anyone else has to say.
Must love to friends old and new and again, y’all need to find something else to do.