A Blog by Cory!! Strode, who really should write something interesting here.
What I am thinking about today:
- I am learning that there is a danger sleeping in my own bed. I don’t want to get out of it. This is not a problem when I sleep on the couch at my part-time job.
- Trump wants to have a military parade like they have in North Korea and used to have in Soviet Russia. Which doesn’t surprise me at all.
- I spent $40 at Aldi for groceries last night and now am set for the winter.
- Anyone who says things can’t make you happy obviously hasn’t owned a really good book.
- I still don’t know if I want to keep the beard.
- If you take peanut butter filled pretzels and dip them in cheese, you can actually hear your arteries hardening.
- Sal Buscema doesn’t get enough love from comics fans.
- I like highlighting people who seem to be forgotten by comics fandom because most people will respond with “Oh yeah, I love their work!”
- Remember, the comic I like the least, I STILL like better that the comic you like the most.
- I read something recently that enlightenment is simply being happy with who you are, where you are and your situation at that moment. You can read all of the philosophy and self-help books in the world, meditate for hours a day, join discussion groups and all the like, but in the end, it’s being happy with what exist in that moment. Find a way to do that every day, and you’re streets ahead of most people.
- Yes, streets ahead is a “Community” reference. You’re welcome.
- I usually undercut my deep, philosophical points with a joke because I worry people will think I’m pretentious. I won’t do that here, but if you like, I know a 15 minute version of “The Aristocrats” I’d be more than happy to tell you.